domingo, 4 de septiembre de 2011

I forgot!!

How can anyone "normal" forget about there birthday!! Even if it was just for 5 minutes, but i completely forgot lol... i was making plans for lunch and then i just got this feeling something was happening that day... and then it came to me... it is my BDAY!!! ahhh how i hate my bday! and all the social pressure it comes with it, and yes i will complain about it!! Cuz iam not a social person but society makes me feel crappy if i dont get presents and calls for my bday!! cuz u know.. guess what!! i dont get called!! just from my grandma!! .. trusty old grandma sure remembers everybodies bday... ohh well who am i to complain iam terrible with my "friends" bdays dates. I almost always forget.... booo sucky friend.. sucky friends... karma is a bitch... but i would totally hate a surprise party and shit like that... nah bday r just not my thing!! booo me so gloomy!!

F U Bday!!